Thursday, January 24, 2008

Rescue Dog Training

Dogs are highly social animals. This can account for their ability to be trained, their playfulness, and ability to fit into human households and social situations. These attributes have earned dogs a unique position in the realm of co-dependant relationship with humans despite being one of the most effective, dangerous predators.

The loyalty and devotion that dogs have as part of their natural instinct as pack animals closely relates to the human idea of love and friendship, leading many dog owners to view their pets as full-fledged family members. Dogs live by this strict hierarchy of structure. One area that can cause Dog behavior problems is a dogs misunderstanding of their place in the pack.

Dogs will often show dominance in cases where they perceive a vacuum or opening in the “pack structure. As a result, they will attempt to move their “social standing” up to a higher level in the pack. This is natural for a dog, yet very misunderstood by dog owners. It will in many cases we then have dog behavior problems, as we perceive it, while to them it’s natural. Many times this behavior is evident in rescued animals, making rescue dog training essential.

We are currently working on just that type with our rescue. After hours of research, and library visits, and Google searches we purchased Daniel Steven’s Sit, Stay, Fetch. I have noticed behavioral improvement from both the dog, as well as in many ways me. I have improved my communication with him immeasurably. Please check out Daniel Stevens program if you too are working on Dog Behavior Problems.

Dog Behavior Problems

Dog Behavior Problems can be challenging and hard to manage. A dog is brought into our home, as a member of our family, someone to talk to, and someone who looks at us with unconditional love. Dog’s are truly a man’s best friend. So what do you do when you suffer with Dog Behavior Problems? There are many free dog training tips available, but many of those are from individuals having the same problems as you.

Dog Behavior Problems are hard to overcome. The average dog training schools charge at least $140 for a basic class, that doesn’t exactly address the problems you may face. In addition you may learn basic skills, like giving you dog the commands, but you may never actually learn to understand your dog, or teach your dog on your own.

For Example realize that your dog may not know why you are trying to correct him? Learn how to make him understand. This will remove the communication barrier between you and your dog and rapidly increase the speed of your dog's learning.

I recently needed help with Rescue Dog Training. I searched high and low, and even contacted my local “Dog School”. They offered to provide me rescue dog training for only $899.00. OUCH!

Then I stumbled upon a book written by Daniel Stevens, a professional dog trainer. I check out his information on rescue dog training, and was fascinated by what he had to say.

He made me realize that most dog obedience training theory based and a broad population that all rely on punishing your dog whenever he doesn’t listen. We are stereotyping our dogs, not structuring their “learning” on their unique personality. Like a child there is no cookie cutter.No Store bought trainer will ever reveal their strategies that show exactly how to make your dog UNDERSTAND what you are communicating to him, without forcing you to pull your hair out! If they did, you wouldn’t need them!

You don’t need some expensive dog training program. For example, anyone who tells you that if you rub your dog’s nose in his own urine to house train your dog doesn’t know what they’re talking about.

There are millions of homeless dogs out there. Don’t let yours become one of them. Learn How to Solve your Dog Behavior Problems now.